Monday, 13 October 2014

Progress continues

Although it is only a few days since I provided a brief update on the work at Amankwatia, some further information has just come through, together with some pictures.

Update on work

'I wish to inform you that, the pit for the KVIP has been dug, and concrete and block works for the pit have been completed.  The contractor is yet to build the housing and the roof; the housing should have been started by now, but the contractor has promised it should be started w/c 13 October.  Recent supervision from the site confirms that there are enough building materials to complete the work.

It is not raining heavily now so the borehole (for the new fresh water supply) should also be completed before the end of October.'

Speaking a thousand words

Here are a few recent pictures of work on site (provided by Esther, the Communications Officer at Kuapa Kokoo).  I've included a couple of pictures of the sites, taken before the work started, for comparison.

Site for the sanitation block (before work began)

Work in progress on the sanitation block

The sanitation pits (for 8 cubicles)

Site for the borehole

Currently in use to store materials!


'Kuapa Kokoo farmers, especially at Amankwatia, are very happy and continue to pray for the Wesley Church and all who donated for this project.'

'The primary school children are equally very happy and wish to thank all children at Wesley Church for their support.  They wish them God's Blessings in all they do.'

God of all, 

We praise you for your work of creation which surrounds us all.
In your very being we experience community in Father, Son and Spirit.

We thank you for your work of cooperation and justice through Kuapa Kokoo,
in particular for all those who live, work and study in Amankwatia.

As we give thanks for the work which has been completed so far,
we pray that your Spirit may continue to surround those involved in this project,
and offer ourselves in your service in expectation of its successful completion.

In your name we pray, Amen!

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Look listen and pray

"It's been a while" since I last posted on this blog, as its main purpose has been fulfilled.  However, one piece of my study in Ghana was to consider the question "Where is God in this place, and for these people?"

Having completed that study, it was suggested that it might be useful to repeat the exercise for my training church, Wesley Methodist Church, in central Reading.  Our new Basingstoke and Reading Methodist Circuit has also challenged us to identify where God is at work in our locality, respond in thanks and ask what God is saying through it.

Wesley Methodist Church, Reading
This morning, a small group of us walked around part of the neighbourhood of the church building with this in mind.  This activity will continue during October 2014 (and possibly beyond), taking in different parts of the area around Wesley, to "look, listen and pray" and so appreciate how God is present to us in the world around us.

Please follow this link if you are interested in knowing more.


Just a quick update about Amankwatia, the village which I visited towards the end of my stay in Ghana.  I am pleased to say that the work to build a new sanitation block has started recently, and drilling for the new fresh water supply should start shortly.  The aim is to have both projects completed before Christmas.  I am hoping to have some pictures of the work which I can show you in the near future.  Watch this space.